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Mike Snyder04:01:02

Our new rebellion stickers arrived today! It’s a good momento mori for the workday soul supporting DoD clients

rebel-alliance 8
πŸ‘ 3
πŸ’― 1
unicorn 1
Mike Snyder04:01:02

Our new rebellion stickers arrived today! It’s a good momento mori for the workday soul supporting DoD clients

rebel-alliance 8
πŸ‘ 3
πŸ’― 1
unicorn 1
Jon Westbrook15:01:22

Where can I get them??? πŸ™‚

Philippe Guenet21:01:46

Where can I get this more No, less WIP one?? Oh I would distribute that one to quite a few people!

Mike Snyder00:01:18

Dominica degrandis and the team at Tasktop gave them out at the DOES 19

Charlie Ang00:01:38

Those stickers are great! Pardon my ignorance, what does unfilteredaf refer to?

Mike Snyder08:01:34

It’s a tongue-in-cheek reference to a movement within the Dept of Defense that isn’t going to sugar coat feedback and ideas for how to address the issues that are hindering progress and modernization

Mike Snyder08:01:52

The AF refers to members of the Air Force. There is also #agileAF and #innovativeAF as well