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We just started another book club in our company for Brene Brown’s “Dare To Lead” and apparently something that she’s made available for her book is a read-along schedule to help facilitate reading it as an organization. Would be a really neat thing to see for ITR books as well. Seems like there’s been a lot of discussion about things like that here.

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Steve Elgan17:01:38

Really great book! Our leadership team was required to read that one

👍 1
Alex (IT Rev)19:01:27

@UN58R7G82 This is a really good idea. We're working on something like a "read along" but I'm going to look into the Dare to Lead one and see what else we should aim to produce. LMK how it goes, and how the experience is with the read along guide?

Charlie Ang01:01:20

@US8CUHA4Q would the book be good for technians?

Steve Elgan02:01:28

Depends on what you are looking for. She teaches vulnerability and embracing the uncomfortable. She also does a good job teaching the difference between empathy and sympathy. If you have people who need/want to work on a healthier mindset for being a “good human” then it’s good for them regardless of their position. I loved it and listened to it twice. 😆 it’s helped me coach myself, my spouse, and my team during difficult or messy life drama.


I’ve only made it through the first chapter and already think it would be a great read for the same reasons Steve mentioned above. Can definitely recall some devs in the past who could’ve benefited from it.

Charlie Ang11:02:50

Thanks. i bought the audible book. you guys have been so great to listen to for you insights. i wish i had more oomph at my work to start lasting change

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