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Saying the "Good luck Chumps" as mentioned elsewhere in a discussion, except without it intending to be under the breath; and ha Ing different mangers doing the various parts of Chris' "what did I tell you about keeping your head down"

John Kimball15:01:48

"Good luck Chumps" under my breath. Definitely been there. 🙂

John Kimball15:01:37

1.      “There are so many contractors and consultants running around here that sometimes it’s hard to find the actual employees.”

John Kimball15:01:17

1.      If the Phoenix Project is the most important and strategic project for the company, don’t the teams who work on it deserve a better building?

John Kimball15:01:07

Maxine's list featuring: "Get access", "Get access", Get access" UGH! and seem to be in this spot a lot more than warranted.