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Tom Hall12:09:06

Chapter 2 Topic: “…the relationship between cross-team tools and communication is often missed or ignored, but such tooling can be a powerful driver of self-similar design”. — This is an interesting point. I’ve worked in orgs where they believe in giving the dev teams autonomy even to the point of letting them choose their own CI/CD tooling (e.g. Jenkins vs CircleCI, etc.) and I have argued that it was a mistake because it makes it extremely painful for people to move between teams or for anyone outside a team to contribute. I think this quote is referring to the design of the application itself, but the design of the build/deploy pipeline seems equally important to me.

Tom Hall12:09:06

Chapter 2 Topic: “…the relationship between cross-team tools and communication is often missed or ignored, but such tooling can be a powerful driver of self-similar design”. — This is an interesting point. I’ve worked in orgs where they believe in giving the dev teams autonomy even to the point of letting them choose their own CI/CD tooling (e.g. Jenkins vs CircleCI, etc.) and I have argued that it was a mistake because it makes it extremely painful for people to move between teams or for anyone outside a team to contribute. I think this quote is referring to the design of the application itself, but the design of the build/deploy pipeline seems equally important to me.


Chapter 2 topic: being intentional about inter-team communication requirements as a primary determinant of team definition seems like a useful heuristic but how do you keep all the stream-oriented teams "rowing in the same direction"? It seems like optimizing for fast delivery at the individual team level leaves the door open to fragmentation and sub-optimization of the whole.


Chapter 2 topic: being intentional about inter-team communication requirements as a primary determinant of team definition seems like a useful heuristic but how do you keep all the stream-oriented teams "rowing in the same direction"? It seems like optimizing for fast delivery at the individual team level leaves the door open to fragmentation and sub-optimization of the whole.

Alex (IT Rev)15:09:46

Discussion Schedule Below are the days we’ll be discussing each chapter of the book, so make sure to have read that part ahead of time. Monday, September 23: Forward, Preface, and Chapter 1 Tuesday, September 24: Chapter 2 Wednesday September 25: Chapter 3 Thursday, September 26: Chapter 4 Friday, September 27: Chapter 5 Monday, September 30: Chapter 6 Tuesday, October 1: Chapter 7 Wednesday, October 2: Chapter 8 and Conclusion Scheduled AMAs Please post your Ask Me Anything (AMA) questions ahead of time in the #ama_team_topologies channel. Monday, September 23 @ 8:00–9:00 a.m. PDT — Manuel Pais (video) Tuesday, September 24 @ 12:30–1:00 p.m. PDT — Matthew Skelton (video) Monday, September 30 @ 8:00–9:00 a.m. PDT — Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais (written) Friday, October 4 @ 6:00–6:30 a.m. PDT — Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais (video)

Alex (IT Rev)15:09:17

^^ just getting that reposted in this newer channel (thanks for the tip @kka42!)

Emile Silvis16:09:52

Chapter 2 topic: I love the idea that “not everyone has to communicate with everyone”, because it feels counterintuitive (I’ve always thought that the flatter and more transparent the organisation, the better). Have you found cases from your own work where reducing commincation channels actually lead to greater flow?

Alex (IT Rev)19:09:23

Link to AMA with Matthew in 30 mins:

Alex (IT Rev)19:09:28

<!here> Getting the AMA started in a few minutes. Join with the link above.

Alex (IT Rev)20:09:41

<!here> Let's get some discussion around this!

Alex (IT Rev)20:09:41

<!here> Let's get some discussion around this!