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The last night of DOES 2019 in Vegas I was having dinner with my wife and her friend and at some point while talking about how the conf went we got off on the topic of learning and how it seemed like it would eventually become every organization's bottleneck (I've since questioned that thought, but still that's what I was thinking). I stayed up pretty late that night after we got back to the hotel reading about how people learn and ways we can learn more effectively, and I came across this research from the Bjork Learning and Forgetting Lab at UCLA: Also worth looking into: Anyway, after reading those and watching the interviews with Robert A. Bjork I thought about how cool it would be to have a book that covered similar material but was written for a developer audience. I wound up finding that book Last week. On a trip to the clearance section at Half Price Books, I ran across a copy of Pragmatic Thinking and Learning for $3 (written by one of the co-authors of the Pragmatic Programmer - Andy Hunt). I just finished it a bit ago and I'd say it's easily in my top 5 books to read not just for developers, but really anyone. Chapter 5 in particular ought to be required reading before you can graduate high school. Although there's a lot of content in this book around cognitive science that you've likely ran across before, I haven't found any other work that did as good a job presenting said content in such a easily digestible and fun way (or as good of a job citing its sources - I've already got a few books picked out to read from its bibliography). I highly recommend picking up a copy yourself and giving it a read if you haven't already. Also, if anyone else has ran across similar material, I'd love to hear about it.


The last night of DOES 2019 in Vegas I was having dinner with my wife and her friend and at some point while talking about how the conf went we got off on the topic of learning and how it seemed like it would eventually become every organization's bottleneck (I've since questioned that thought, but still that's what I was thinking). I stayed up pretty late that night after we got back to the hotel reading about how people learn and ways we can learn more effectively, and I came across this research from the Bjork Learning and Forgetting Lab at UCLA: Also worth looking into: Anyway, after reading those and watching the interviews with Robert A. Bjork I thought about how cool it would be to have a book that covered similar material but was written for a developer audience. I wound up finding that book Last week. On a trip to the clearance section at Half Price Books, I ran across a copy of Pragmatic Thinking and Learning for $3 (written by one of the co-authors of the Pragmatic Programmer - Andy Hunt). I just finished it a bit ago and I'd say it's easily in my top 5 books to read not just for developers, but really anyone. Chapter 5 in particular ought to be required reading before you can graduate high school. Although there's a lot of content in this book around cognitive science that you've likely ran across before, I haven't found any other work that did as good a job presenting said content in such a easily digestible and fun way (or as good of a job citing its sources - I've already got a few books picked out to read from its bibliography). I highly recommend picking up a copy yourself and giving it a read if you haven't already. Also, if anyone else has ran across similar material, I'd love to hear about it.